Jazz Interlude

Jazz Interlude

What We Do

For The Jazz Community

We’re constantly developing new services for listeners, festivals and venues. It’s always difficult trying to get people through the door or building an audience for an event. With our tools and services we can use technology, branding and the value of musicians to get bums on seats.

Jazz Is A Brand

Which is why we think jazz as a brand, is highly marketable if certain elements are look after. We can do that for you using design disicpline, online marketing and building through social media and technology.

Jazz On The Web

Having a dedicated design company, Atelier Helsinki, makes it pretty easy for us to produce just about any kind of site for our clients. Working within the jazz genre, we also understand the needs of jazz clubs, festivals and organisations.

Get Out And Hear Live Jazz!

Our goal is to get people to listen to what you have to say,
so we've built a fantastic platform that you're really going to like.

Jazz Calendars is alive!

Meet The Team

Hash Varsani

Jazz Head

Taking the reins, Hash handles all the projects at Jazz Interlude with a diligent passion for what can be done within jazz. He doesn’t play any jazz, but listens to everything, including what a client wants.

Matt Roblin

Jazz Marketing

Just a furlong being Hash, Matt Roblin is passionate about doing what he loves most for the love of jazz and everything around it. Not only is Matt a drummer, but he has a keen understanding of the music community and the potential for the brand of jazz marketing.

Develop your jazz brand into an asset

We can rebrand and provide you with an identity that will enhance your fanbase.

Learn More

It’s in our DNA

Jazz is all we think of.

Jazz Interlude Club Coming Soon

Stay In Touch

Our Partners

Jazz Australia

A Nation Of Jazz

Jazz Australia is the nations biggest and oldest online jazz magazine. They partnered with us after we rebranded them.

Porvoo Jazz Festival

The Cosiest Jazz Festival in Finland

Since 2013, Jazz Interlude has worked with the Porvoo Jazz Festival to build a brand that creates a new jazz platform in one of Finland’s oldest city.

Atelier Helsinki

Boutique Design Agency With A Big Heart For Jazz

Atelier Helsinki partners with Jazz Interlude to provide all our projects with the professional skillset need for all our projects.